Moussa And His Friends - Version 2
This is Moussa with his parents.
Moussa loves animals very much.
He has lots of pets.
One day, his parents went to visit grandma, and left Moussa alone.
Moussa was bored, and tried to think of something to do.
He thought: “I know! I’ll let all my pets out, and we can all play together.”
When the parents returned home, the house was a mess.
They said, “Moussa! What did you do?!”
“The shelf is broken!”
“The chair is broken!”
“The milk is spilled!”
Moussa said, “But it wasn’t me!”
“It was the animals!”
“The cat and the parrot…
…are (the ones) who broke the shelf!”
“The goat…
…is (the one) who broke the chair!”
“The snake…
…is (the one) who spilled the milk!”
The parents said, “And the one who’s going to repair it all…
…is you!”